Netsource Partners has worked on scores of systems over its 25+ year history. Our application and development work has been applied in financial, pharmaceutical, academic and military sectors. We have evolved as an engineering firm that has embraced agile development while using some of the latest technology platforms to deliver scalable web-based mobile friendly designed applications. Our current toolkit includes cloud deployed, Ruby on Rails applications running in Docker containers. In addition, this toolkit includes several SQL and NoSQL database systems, queuing technologies and front-end frameworks.
Delivery Models
In building our web applications, we have three different models:
Contract Development - this form of development is a traditional time and materials contract to build a custom web application for deployment on your infrastructure or cloud service.
Contract + Subscription - for these custom projects, we combine Contract Development, to cover the development phase, with a subscription fee to cover hosting and support on our cloud services. This approach is useful for those companies that want a custom web application, but do not want to deploy and manage it themselves.
Subscription - for certain custom applications, we will consider a subscription sharing model. This model will be used after an assessment of the market and revenue potential of the custom web service has been verified.